Code Pi

By understanding your Business code, you can get which functional roles are most suitable for you, your purpose, which will reveal your creative potential and social mission.

For an employer, understanding the possible functionality of an employee makes it much easier to decide on a job, especially if you have knowledge of compatibility with other team members!

The program methodology is based on:

The essence of the method known as the” Adizes model”, or PAEI code, is that the success and competitiveness of the organization is ensured by the reasonable and timely execution of four management functions.

The model is effective for determining the status quo and understanding the essence of current problems. Detecting Terra Incognita blind spots in business, in your personality.
This gives you a clear idea of how:
• to overcome the crisis of management
• to discover and develop the potential of a business leader
• to effectively manage changes in society, business and personal life
… and go from stagnation to growth

According to the method of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Myers-Briggs method is widely used in business. in a number of large Western companies, 70% of high school graduates are identified for the purpose of choosing a future profession.

Socionics of A. Augustinavichiute

Socionics studies the mechanism by which person perceives and evaluates the information available to him. In this regard, every person is considered as a psycho-informational system that has specific communication channels.

Belbin identifies nine complementary roles performed by members of successful business teams. Role analysis is especially useful in situations where you need to create a team that can perform a task that requires a specific skill set or optimize interaction in an already created team.

Enneagram is an integral model of a person’s motivation, aimed at personal transformation and development. This model studies a person’s personality, as well as adaptive strategies and defense mechanisms, mental and emotional habits and fixations.

According to this model, each person has a well-defined personality structure, their own automatic reactions and “programmed” behavior.

The essence of the Maslow theory can be explained as follows: until the needs of the lowest order are met to a certain extent, a person will not have more “high” aspirations.

This model of the hierarchy of needs has found wide application in Economics and management. It helps to study and build motivation and behavior of employees / consumers

The model is effective for evaluating the compatibility of an organization and an individual. This assessment is necessary for recruitment agencies, HR departments, by the applicants themselves, in order to adapt to the organization.

How does it works:

Electrical activity of the skin is widely used to study the activity of the autonomic nervous system, determine the characteristics of psychophysiological reactions and study personality traits.

It can be used to track and register almost all neuro-psychological reactions of a person, so it becomes possible to see persons unconscious processes and assess the “psychological significance” of external influence.

Who is Code-Pi for?

Where to apply It

  • In organization development
  • Clearly understand the potential and competence of your employees and managers
  • To increase the efficiency of employees
  • Building a successful business
  • Career development, determination of your potential and competencies
  • Creating a well-organized and promising team
  • Self-knowledge and personal growth
  • Education in career guidance
  • Trainings for management and leadership